Comprehensive Last-mile Ecosystems
The Need
Rural Africa and Asia are home to 75% of the lowest income populations - the vast majority of whom are subsistence farmers, largely overlooked by development efforts and global supply chains
Basic resources, skills and knowledge remain inaccessible to most, while best efforts hit an impact ceiling
- The LINK Fund is a practitioner-led organization that builds the social economy through a rich ecosystem of actors and best-in-class business model solutions to meet the world’s largest untapped market.
The Solution
- We address the multiple barriers to success these populations face – access to credit, last-mile delivery of a life-improving technology, training in its proper use, and market facilitation - achieving a surplus of what was previously scarce.
Case Study: One Acre Fund
Makes smallholder farming more productive by addressing multiple needs simultaneously
Develops “last-mile business model” ecosystems
Rapidly scales best-in-class solutions
More than 12 million people out of extreme poverty
Measurable and substantial increases in harvest levels
Leading to 50%+ gains in bottom-line profit on supported activities
Impact Outcome
An rapidly spreading end to chronic hunger.
Increased spending on education, farm investment, and home improvement
These solutions address the true bottom of the pyramid – a vast population that for decades had been served in a piecemeal manner at best, and most often simply ignored.